Week Five 67 Day Transformation Challenge

All right. We’re now on our week five and this is the fourth week where we’re going to be focusing on “Choose One Lose One”. And so we started off with feelings, actions, thoughts, right? And we’re basically just going to re-focus on them again. Today we’re going to talk about stories – the story that you have created, you are living your story right now.

Do you like your story? Have you fallen in love with your story? So how you’re living is your story and you’ve created that through the decisions and actions that you’ve taken previously that’s why we are doing this.

So, do you love your story? Do you love what you are doing daily? Do you love how you receiving life? How you receiving your reality? If not, let’s change the story. What is it that you don’t like doing? What story do you tell yourself that holds you where you’re at if you don’t like it? What story are you telling yourself that you know is not beneficial to you and what story would you like to put in that place? So a story could be… I’d just give an example because it’s easy you know… “I’m poor, I grew up in a poor neighborhood and I can’t afford that I don’t have things.” and I will give a quick story on that so… I had a trainer that worked for me and she wasn’t working that much but she decided she wanted to work less because she felt like she wanted to work less and she always complained about money. She was always talking about money. And I was like Woah that’s strange, you want to work less but you are always complaining about money. So, she was going to cut off about $500 a month from her training, from the training she was decreasing. So that was a lot of money to her, obviously. So one day, she came into the gym and someone said “Hey! Is that your BMW outside?” and she was “Me? I can’t afford that…” and so I thought to myself, well no, you don’t want to be able to afford it. You chose not to afford that. It was a decision because you could have afford it if you just train those same hours you’re training. You would have made $500 more and a BMW, you can get a BMW for $400-450 you know maybe even less a month if you lease one or whatever. So that was an implant in her head, a story that she was telling herself which was not true at all. It was not true to any degree. And most of the times there is… I see stories that are not true that deals with finances, but there in every aspect, like: “I’m very fragile, I’m very weak, I’m very…” these are all stories. Whatever you believe is actually going to happen to you. It’s going to be true right? So, another story that I would have is another trainer would say “I don’t have money and I need more money” I saw him make $30,000 he still didn’t have money to making $100,000 he still didn’t have money. No matter how much money he make because he would say “I don’t have money, I need money”, he would not have money. So those are things he was telling himself. We see clients all the time who come in and they say “Oh! I can’t do this, I can’t do that, I can’t do that”. Well guess what? You can’t because you are telling yourself that is what you can’t do. If you say that is not true, I cancel it and I delete that feeling and that story and I can do whatever I choose to do. It’s just my choice and you’re putting responsibility back to yourself that is the level of acceptance, and that has a high vibrational feeling. Right? And so those high vibrational thoughts and feelings will raise your level above and beyond and you will reap the benefits in your body.

So, what story are you telling yourself daily, weekly, monthly that’s not true? Again, you can connect to your higher self. Close your eyes and say now connecting to my higher self. You can get closer answers by saying repeating Yes, yes, yes to yourself and you will start to feel where you feel yes in your body. And then say No, no, no and you will start to feel where no, no, no feels and shows up in your body. So when you ask yourself a question, you will feel the answer yes in your body or you will feel the answer no. And you can ask… Is this story serving me? and you will feel it in your body. The more in-tune you are with your body, the better off you’ll be.

Sometimes this takes a while for people even just to connect with feeling of their body because they’ve been so disconnected for a while. And that disconnection actually shows up in the form of gaining weight, pain, back pain, just those are examples… injuries, all those things they show up because we’re disconnected with our current reality. So, what’s story are you holding on to that does not benefit you, that you would like to get rid off and which one would you like to put on its place. So simple example like I told you is I can’t afford that I need money, you replace it with I can afford whatever I want, I choose not to afford that. I choose not to afford whatever that is, I choose not to exercise – we don’t want that obviously, but you can say… it’s not my genes, it’s not my genetics instead I choose not to exercise to change my lean muscle mass, to boost my metabolism. It has nothing to do with genetics. All right. So there you go get to work.