Week One 67 Day Transformation Challenge


Correlation of Levels of Consciousness and Societal Problems

All right! It’s week one of the”Choose One Loose One”. So here’s the first objective. What feeling comes up daily that you would like to get rid off? Low vibrational feeling and low vibrational feelings – and if you haven’t heard my other videos about the level of consciousness there is actually a scientific test for thoughts and feelings that are actually destructive to our whole bodies and our lives and it makes things attracted to us that we typically don’t want. So everything below 200 on this test on this scale is not supporting to your life – everything that goes 200 to 0. So 0 starts at guilt, shame, pride, anger, envy, jealousy… all those low vibrational feelings. All right? so all those things. When you get to the level of 200, that is where our courage begins and that is where truth begins and that’s where the transformation begins.

Transformation actually begins at acceptance, starting with courage and being truthful. So that’s the first thing, let’s be honest. What feelings do you have that come up daily, or weekly that you would like to get rid off so choosing that one and then choosing another. So losing the feeling that is low vibrational and choosing a higher vibrational feeling. So high vibrational feelings would be above 200 which is courage then there’s actual truth, acceptance, wisdom, love, peace, serenity, enlightenment, all of those feelings are up above. Joy is up there, happiness right? so all of those are up above 200. The higher the vibration, the better your life is going to be, the healthier you are going to be, the better you’re going to feel about things in general.

So Week One: Lose the feeling that you want to get rid off and choose a feeling that you want to implement into your life daily.

Once you have that then each day I want you to visualize that feeling in your heart being expanded out into the world. It is a technique in science by the Institute of HeartMath where you can literally set your feeling and then have that feeling in your heart and expand it out in your consciousness and it will instantly change your day. You can’t feel guilt, anger or remorse, at the same time as you feel love. So if you just feel [and] think about something that you love and you have love for somebody or something and you put that energy in your heart, it will transform the cells, the imprints in your energy and it will set you day off differently than it would if you started feeling like crap, feeling angry, feeling frustrated, feeling irritated. Alright? This is also important how you go to bed but that’s another video. So week one. Choose a habit/ feeling you want to implement more of and loose a bad low vibrational feeling.

All right, week one go ahead and get it started!