Week Two 67 Day Transformation Challenge

Map Of The Scale Of Consciousness Below and Above 200

Correlation of Levels of Consciousness and Societal Problems

All right! So week two on the “Choose One Lose One” or this is actually week three but this is the second Choose One Loose One video that we are doing. And this week it’s going to be an action. Last week we did the feeling, this week it’s going to be an action. What action do you want to loose that is not supporting your goal, your intention, your big purpose, your why and implementing an action that will put you towards that path. So if you come home after work and typically what your habit is you sit down and you watch tv, you grab a bag of potato chips… Now we’re going to implement coming home, getting your sneakers on, going out for speed walk, and then coming home and drinking 3 huge glasses of lemon water… let’s just say that’s an example. And now you are going to do that everyday and then you’re going to skip the tv and sitting with a bag of potato chips. And that will excite you, get your energy and blood flowing to move on to maybe something better like maybe coming home and reading a book that focuses on your main purpose, your intentions and your big why.

So this week an ACTION that you want to replace with one of the actions that you want to lose. Choose an action you know it better than anybody else. If you are confused by it, just meditate on it so close your eyes, say connecting to my higher self, what action do I need to get rid off that is not serving me and not helping me out, and what action would help to replace that. Your subconscious mind knows, your higher self knows the answer, and you can always access that at any time.

All right. Go ahead and get that started and implement it into your life. It’s the action that matters, theĀ thoughts can be powerful too but the actions is actually what happens. People get the benefit from their actions, it’s not their thoughts. All right?