“What Can We Learn From Near-Death Choices”

“What Can We Learn From Near-Death Choices”

A MAJOR part of our philosophy and what makes EarthFIT successful is that we eliminate negative energy. We will not tolerate negative vibes, period. People who are whiners and complainers are encourage to leave because that energy rubs off and effects other EarthFITters, the employees, the group trainers and every in a 60 foot radius as a whole. Don’t get me wrong, if a person has a valid complaint we are always willing to listed and correct something that may be wrong. What I am talking about are chronic complainers and energy suckers. You know, the people you hang around that just drain the life force out of you and spread their negative venom all over the place. Like people attract each other so we keep those kind far away and I don not care how much money the person might be paying. I have had to kindly tell people that our program is not for them.    I decided before I created EarthFIT that I would eliminate negative energy from my life and as a result my life continue to get better and better. I brought that philosophy with me when we opening EarthFIT personal training facility and it makes work and doing what I do a pleasure. I suggest that everyone should do the same with their lives because the results are nothing short of a miracle. Now if you are a negative person and you try to distance your self from negative people it will be more of a challenge but it is possible and the first step that needs to be take is, WATCH YOUR THOUGHTS! Your thought create your energy, your thoughts have their own energy just like a radio signal has its own frequency. You might be locked on a channel that is gory and scary. Change the channel with these 3 steps.

1) Start your day off with a daily dozen gratitude list. 12 things that your grateful for and write it down every day until your thoughts begin to change.

2) Visualize your self acting and hanging with positive and successful people and then go out and find them!

3) Forget about yourself and serve others. Help other people achieve what they want and you will be rewarded in return. Zig Ziglar just passed away and one of his most famous quotes was “If you help enough people get what they want, you will get what you want.” That is 100% true.

Along with many other quotes that relate to this post, like “Your attitude, not your aptitude, will determine your altitude.” This quotes relates to #1 because the gratitude list changes your attitude and your perception about life which changes your energy and begets more positive vibes which can bring about happiness and prosperity which is what everyone is dreaming about.

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