Beaufort Fitness: How Often Should I Workout?
“Hey Everybody! Thank you for tuning into today’s Q & A. Today, I’m going to go over one of the most frequently asked questions. It’s “Sam, how often should I be working out? How many minutes a day do I need to spend working out? How many hours a week do I need to spend working out? How many days a week should I be working out?” I’m going to cover that in today’s video. We’re going to get right into it… nice quick one for you guys today. So to answer the question, how often should I be working out at point blank? Give me a drum roll, please. The answer is it depends. It really depends where you’re starting from. And now I know that’s not the answer most of you want to hear, but you’ve got to think if you’re starting out from the couch, it’s going to be a lot different than if you’re starting out from somebody that’s already intensely exercising three to four days a week.
Okay? the best recommendation I can give to you to make this specific to you is hire a coach. Tell them your goals, work with that coach. They’re going to prescribe you the best possible program for you. Okay? I’m not going to leave you guys with it depends. Get a coach answer. Okay? I’m going to give you a general prescription for fat loss for beginners and then people that are already training three to four days a week.
So for beginners, the first thing you want to do is you’re going to want to increase your frequency. Okay? You’re going to bring your frequency up with exercise. So you’re, want to get off that couch. You’re going to move as much as possible. So every single day you could be moving for about 30 minutes. When I say move, that does not mean go to the gym and start using every piece of the equipment, you could find beating yourself up for 30 minutes. That means just simply getting out, making a habit out of moving could be walking.

It could be doing some light mobility or stretching things.

So once you get that down and you’re ready for more, you’re ready for better results, faster results. It’s time to increase your intensity by weight training. So you’re going to start to weight train one to two days, maybe three days a week for most optimal results. You’re going to want to go with between three and four. Once you get that habit down, you’re in the three to four range where most of my current clients are; they’re intensely weight training three to four days a week. Then we’re going to add in things like mobility, aerobic conditioning in your off time. A lot of my clients say, Sam what should I do in my off time? How much time do I need spending outside of seeing you in my off time. And simply what I tell them is you need to be doing things, mobility. That’s going to increase your performance in the gym.
You want to work on those types of things, because if we can increase your performance in the gym, when you’re already training those three to four days a week intensely, you can make that better. You can push it more intensely. That’s going to give you better results. It’s going to push you closer towards your goal. So to wrap it up a few things to consider when your frequency goes up, your intensity is going to come down a little bit, meaning you’re not going to go from three to four days a week lifting super heavy than going to seven days a week lifting super heavy, no. Your intensity on those other days needs to come down and vice versa. If you’re, you know, lifting super heavy three days a week, but you want to add more frequency.
And again, that frequency, that frequency is going to come from things like mobility, aerobic conditioning to improve our performance in the gym. So I hope that answers that question for you. If you need any further clarification, feel free to reach out to me. If you have any other questions, message me, leave me comments. I’m here to help you. If you need a coach, you don’t have a coach. You’re not sure. Hey, how often should I be working out? I don’t know what to do. I don’t know what you just said… Reach out to me. You can reach out to Beaufort personal training. We would love to see you at EarthFIT or online wherever you are. We’re bringing it to you. Everybody, stay strong.”