Bodyweight Conditioning Tool: Plank To Stand
Bodyweight Conditioning Tool: Plank To Stand
“Today I’m going to show you an exercise you could do anywhere. It’s a great conditioning exercise. If you’re on vacation, or just looking for a total body workout, you can implement this. It’s going to seem really easy and very simple. And that’s the point so you could do it anywhere. Really, I challenge you to start out, try to do this for 2-3 minutes straight, take a break for about 2-3 minutes and then do it again… See what your heart rate is. So all you should do is this simple exercise.

(1) We’re going to start off standing up nice and tall.

(2) You’re going to go down into a high plank here,

(3) and then you’re going to go down into a low plank. You’re going to squeeze for a second.

(4) and then walk yourself back up just like this.

(5) Raise your hand over your head and then go right back down into it. And then just repeat it.
Again, you’re going to do that for 2-3 minutes and that is a great conditioning tool. It will spike the heart rates, surprisingly high and then you’re going to get a full body head to toe workout. Perfect exercise if you’re traveling or just looking for something quick to do, or if you need a quick warmup, that is a plank to stand.”